Let's see... Video Games consume most of my time, I am a huge fan of Warhammer 40,0000 (I own 100+ books and 2 separate armies), and am the proud GM of a WH40k RPG for the 3rd year running with my friends. FOR CHAOS!!!

Age 34, Male


Going Back Mao

Harrisburg, PA

Joined on 9/23/07

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1,400 / 1,600
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Unfortunatewinner88's News

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - September 23rd, 2014

Why even bother? Nobody cares.

Growing up is strange.

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - May 8th, 2013

My good friends Cameron Doran and Jesse Reeves had the sense to start recording some of the jam sessions they have at their house. There will be five tracks in all and I hope the public enjoy them as much as we do. They will contain the work of these two gentleman but other tracks in the future will have the remaining members of [Insert Band Name] (we bicker about a name a lot. I think it's just easier to not think about it).

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - February 13th, 2013

Since no one reads this, I believe I'm just going to list some upcoming this for me to-do on here...

-Re-paint 40k Chaos army into Iron Warriors
-Go back to school [x]
-Finish current 40k project (Honour Guard)
-Buy more books
-Maintain RPG for remainder of year
-Make Chapter Master


Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - April 6th, 2012

New Warhammer 40k RPG announced on Fantasy Flight Games? And its about being in the Imperial Guard? And it's due no time soon? And no one is going to read this?


I think I only do this to entertain myself.
Waffles, good day, and such.

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - January 16th, 2012

No one cares about this, so why do I even bother? Yeah, no more reviews [not that anyone cared from the start] and I am still alive [I guess].

Bacon money and it all started with a muffin basket.

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - March 21st, 2011

I mean no one ever reads these things. I know no one ever will but yet I insist on doing this. ...oh well. It has been a VERY long time since my last one and now I have about seven books to critique. Oh dear gods... here we go...

SOOoooo I read Dead Men Walking by Steve Lyons, Purging of Kadillus and Angels of Darkness by Gav Thorpe, Legends of the Space Marines by Various people, FireDrake by Nick Kyme, Prospero Burns by Dan Abnett, and The Blood Ravens Omnibus by C.S Goto
[This will take a while so I may do this in installments]
Dead Men Walking - This is the first Guardsmen book I had read in a while and it looked really good but... it wasn't. The story focuses on a Necron invasion (and people can know how fun they are to read about) and the Death Korps of Krieg attempts to deny them ground. Now the Necrons are not exactly the most entertaining foes but this is generally offset by the protagonists of any 40k story but the Death Korp are about as slow and entertaining as the Necrons themselves, which made the book rather dull. Some parts about how the sons of Krieg are rather interesting but not enough happens to actually grab interest. [6.75/10]

Angels of Darkness- I had seen this book around a handful of times but never bought it because of the super big and bulky omnibuses that are kept around it but when I did buy it, I was actually to find that this relatively small book packs a rather big and surprising story. The story follows two different people: a 'Fallen' Angel who claims that the Dark Angels are the true traitors, and an Interrogator-Chaplain, whose purpose is to make the Fallen confess while also dealing with some other truly epic stuff. The story was really great not only because of the massive bombshells it drops on the Dark Angels history (Things that I found rather shocking and will either make you hate or love them more) but Gav Thorpe also did such a great job making me feel for the Fallen Angel's side of the story. Overall, an amazing story that had the correct amount of shock value (which includes the surprise appearance of a certain Fallen) and all the story needed to make it great.

Purging of Kadillus- Another one of the hit-miss-hit-miss Space Marine Battle Series and it was a foul ball. I say this because it hits but it really doesn't go anywhere. This book confused the hell out of me for the longest time until I stopped caring because it occurs somewhere in the middle of Angels of Darkness and I couldn't figure out where but anywho... It follows various Dark Angels and their missions and admittedly some were less epic than others but it was still good ol' fashioned Ork killin' none the less. But the main problem I had with this book was that there was nothing truly epic about it. It had all the right things but it just didn't really make me grin or chuckle when something great happened [Can only recall 2 truly epic moments]. It felt like there was no force behind it and it was written for the simple fact of that, to be written. But it was a fairly decent read nonetheless, and though I would only recommend it to someone who either loves the 1st Legion or just likes reading about Orks dying, it is worth looking at. [8/10]

Legends of the Space Marines- I had been avoiding this book for quite a while because of some reviews I had heard but eventually bought it only to discover that... it did not suck as much as everyone said it did. In fact, I thought it was an extraordinary book filled with stories of unsung Chapters such as the Mantis Warriors, Dark Hunters, Doom Eagles, and more. Almost all of the stories were great but the stories involving the Space Wolves and Ultramarines (this one ties into the already massive Ultramarines storyline) really seemed devoid of anything truly awesome and were hardly worth reading. But overall, it was a great read and made me truly excited for Victories of the Space Marines. [8.75/10]

[...stopped caring at some point. If anyone has a problem with this (which no one should because NO ONE CARES) don't let me know]

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - December 16th, 2010

... post that no one will ever read. I'm mean seriously, who even reads this shit? Cuz I know I don't. But anywhoooo.... this a late review of 5 books that I have read over the course of 2 months and they were...
The Killing Ground by Graham Mcneill, Fear The Alien by various authors, The Hunt For Voldorius by Andy Hoare, Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett, and The First Heretic by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. That is alot of reviewing... let's hope to it, shall we?

The Killing Ground- This book continues the Ultramarines Omnibus story of Uriel Ventris and his companion Pasanius from where they managed to cripple the forces of the epic warrior half-breed, Honsou of the Iron Warriors, and escape from Medrengard with their new mutant companions called the Unfleshed. They manage to end up on a backwater planet which also puts them in the middle of a small mystery and at the disposal of a rather arrogant general. Good story filled with the usual Ultramarine bravado and loyalty but nothing that is entirely new. [8.5/10]

Fear The Alien- Another one of those short story collabs about the many dreaded xenos in the galaxy and tales of their victory or how insidious their ways can be. Many of the stories were extremely fascinating and showed some insight to certain cultures or just how crazy the xenos are. There are short stories for the Salamanders and the night Lords that continue with their respective heroes and both (especially the Night Lords[it spoils alot for the upcoming book Blood Reaver]) are extremely well done. One story called Faces, unfortunately was a real snooze fest. It was supposed to be about the eldar harlequins and their ways but the first 43 pages of it were really dragging. Overall, good book with very diverse stories that are almost all worth reading. [9/10]

The Hunt For Voldorius- Now this... this was a really good book. The Space Marine Battles series really needed some help after the mildly depressing Helsreach and this book just kicks it all back into life. It focuses on the White Scars captain of the 3rd company and Master of the Hunt, Kor'Sarro Khan, and his glorius hunt for the Alpha Legion daemon prince, Voldorius. This book is front-to-back full of non-stop action and a great story. The 3rd company of the Raven Guard and the infamous Kayvaan Shrike make appearances and lend their strength to the White Scars and make for some truly epic moments. This book, just like Rynn's World, was well worth $12 and just made me wish there was more in this more epic-than-not series. [10/10]

Eisenhorn- This was a big-ass book (750ish pages) and it follows the famous Inquisitor Eisenhorn and his many acolytes as they purge xenos, heretic, and mutant alike for the 40k universe. It also shows his fall from the Puritan to the Radical side of his powers and it truly shows how easy it is to fall into to the dark just to protect yourself, those around you, and how Chaos can be used against Chaos in the right hands. It was a truly awesome book that kept me reading (despite minor drags in the story here and there) and was a great addition to my growing library. [9.5/10]

The First Heretic- And I shall conclude this review with a Horus Heresy novel that just blew my mind. The story focuses on the XVII Legion, or the Word Bearers, and their fall from grace. Starting from the Emperor's decree that he shall not be worshipped to the their role in the Isstvan masscares, it has you hooked. You almost actually begin to sympathize with their plight and see what went wrong, especially that of Argel Tal, a Captain who is just to good to disobey his primarch. This book is full of wonderous story telling and eye-popping surprises that make your jaw drop if you're a big 40k fan (some of these surprises involve the missing Legions, Cadia, and the birth of the primarchs). This was a truly outstanding story that deserves an award for Aaron Dembski-Bowden and Dan Abnett for constructing such an epic. [10/10]

Finally... I'm done. I think I'm going to go insane for a little bit now. Until next time my imaginary readers.
Glory be to Chaos!

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - September 16th, 2010

Gonna do this before I go back to playing EBF 3...

So approx. 2 weeks ago I bought the latest in the never ending Horus Heresy called Nemesis by the amazing James Swallow. The book is based on attempt made Horus's life before he sets foot on Terra. Under orders of the Master of Assassins (big shocker who he really is [sarcasm]), the six Assassin Clades [Eversor, Vindicare, Culexus, Callidus, Vanus, & Veneus] are supposed to give one of their best to the 'Kill-Team' that is supposed to eliminate Horus. Right about now it sounds like a bad action flick... and it is. But like 'The Expendables' it pulls it off amazingly! A majority of the book is put around the gathering of the team and info about the various Clades and the people in them. I've never knew how much I loved Eversor assassins until I read this. [They are awesome.] The other half of the book is like a detective story that is not really required but it is the only way to make the Villain seem more villainy.

Overall, fantastic book that is well worth the read. [9.75/10]
Ave Imperator

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - August 6th, 2010

As stated before, I am going to review Salamander, Storm of Iron, and Helsreach [not that anyone cares or will ever read this].

-Salamander by Nick Kyme(?) was an interesting story about the dark-skinned, red-eyed, flame and meltagun wielding Space Marines in green. Anyone who read the Salamanders short in Heroes of the Space Marines will know the main characters and understand what is passing at the beginning. The story is full of treachery, grudges, and action and while it seemed to drag in some spots, it managed to be a good story and left me wanting the sequel. Buy for a new experience.[9/10]

-Storm of Iron by Graham McNeil was an amazing story about the tenacious and cunning Iron Warriors and their incredible siege warfare. It would have been nice to know that this is a prequel to a Ultramarine story involving the half-breed Chaos Space Marine, Honsou. Yet again this book was full of treachery, grudges, and action that is amazing to read. Definite buy.[9.75/10]

-Helsreach by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (great author) was a complete surprise to me. I knew it involved the Black Templars and Chaplain Grimaldus [cover gives it away]. But I had no idea that Grimaldus was something of a whiny bitch. I mean, I've read a few stories that involved Space Marines feeling despair but this was just depressing sometimes. Don't get me wrong, he is probably one of the coolest Chaplains ever but... you get the point. It was a good book about the heroics of the Black Templars and the battle for Hive Helsreach on the infamous planet of Armageddon but it really dragged in some places. Otherwise, it was a good book that is a fairly decent read.[8.25/10]

Posted by Unfortunatewinner88 - July 23rd, 2010

So I completed Sons of Dorn* and Rynn's World** about a week ago and they (mostly Rynn's World) blew my mind apart. The Crimson fists are hands down one of the most respected and fearsome chapters in all of 40k. The book was riveting, action-packed, and well worth $12. As for the Sons of Dorn... it was good. It was mostly about scouts, their training and recruitment in to the Imperial Fists Chapter, and their struggle to fight the enemy without killing each other out of hate. I look forward to seeing more in their series but I would recommend borrowing it from some who bought it because while it was good, it seemed lacking to some extent.

*Sons Of Dorn [8/10]

**Rynn'sWorld [10/10]

On a different note, I just recently bought Salamander, Storm of Iron, and Helsreach and have finished the first two. I will review those later.
Until next time... Ave Imperator.